Gifts for the gamer in your life…


Hi ladies, this blog is dedicated to helping you find the perfect gift for the video game obsessed man in your life. We know that when you go to Wal-Mart, there are about a million different titles for three systems. The salespeople won’t be much help since they say basically every title on the shelf is a “hot seller” this holiday season. So reference this quick list for a surefire hit this holiday season:

5. Guitar Hero: World Tour /Rock Band 2

If your man loves annoying you with his kick ass air guitar skills, these are the perfect games for him. Not only do you get the quality track list that only Guitar Hero and Rock Band games can deliver, but now you can also rock out the drums and vocals with this complete band kit game. The upside to this title is you might just find yourself slipping onto his gaming console to get a little rock on yourself.

4. Gears of War 2

The developers from EPIC games bring you the sequel to one of the most coveted games of all-time. Your man will be addicted to this games for its amazing graphics and intense action. There are few games that are worth buying an entire system for, and Gears 2 is one of them. If you don’t own an XBOX 360, this game will make you want one. 

3. Call of Duty 5: World at War

You man loves World War II movies, but he really loves WW2 games. The boys at Treyarch took the best elements from C.O.D 4 and re-applied the nostalgic theme. Add to that one of the most robust multiplayer experiences, and your man will surely be happy with this choice.

2. Left 4 Dead

This title for XBOX 360 and PC is one of the most intense multiplayer games of the year. Game Informer Magazine dubbed this zombie game the best in show @ the E3 games conference. Left 4 Dead combines developer VALVE’S impressive graphics engine with some of the most inventive multiplayer strategies to date. Your gamer will surely appreciate this title underneath the tree this holiday season.

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

This game exclusive is potentially the sole reason to own a Playstation 3. If your man was hopelessly devoted to Playstation 2, there’s a good chance that he’ll enjoy a combination gift of a PS3 and Metal Gear Solid 4. The graphics are nothing short of breathtaking, and the multiplayer will keep him busy for hours. As an added bonus, the PS3 is a great Blue Ray player that all genders can enjoy on a wintry evening. Hope this list helped ladies. Happy holidays.

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